Presents a Webinar:

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Note: The complete program including, replays, transcripts, and slides are available in the CDIAC Education Portal. Registration required but materials are free.
Municipalities have been using debt financing as a tool to build their communities for over a century and throughout this history bond issuance has grown and changed to facilitate the provision of a variety of public benefits. Issuers and investors of municipal debt must consider market conditions, the amount and purpose of the debt, an agency’s credit, as well as many other variables. This variability coupled with so many people involved in the process, creates an environment where members of the issuance team understand their role, but may not understand the process as a whole. Join CDIAC in a two-part webinar series where we will step through an issuance process from a birds-eye view, highlighting the most important information needed for a fundamental understanding of a bond issuance process.
Jay Goldstone, Former Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, City of San Diego
Steve Heaney, Former Co-Head Municipal Securities Group, Stifel
Jacqui Jennings, Partner, Schiff Hardin
Session One: The Path to Issuance
Originally Aired: September 9, 2021
Session one will kick-off with the issuance process starting with the decision to issue debt and follow the process through the sale date. Participants will gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the issuer and their financing team, initial disclosure, continuing disclosure undertaking, pricing the bond, and the day of sale.
Session Two: You Sold Your Bonds, Now What?
Originally Aired: September 16, 2021
Up to the date of the sale, the issuer had an army of consultants and external support to facilitate the process. After the sale, the issuer finds themselves at the helm and responsible for managing everything they agreed to in their Official Statement and legal documents. This session will focus on what occurs from the time of sale to closing, and issuer responsibility the day after the closing through the time when the bond is repaid or refunded. Participants will gain an understanding of setting up and managing post-issuance debt administration such as tracking of expenditures, maintaining tax compliance and investor relations, and managing internal controls.
Continuing Education Credits
A certificate of attendance will be automatically issued to those who complete the courses in the CDIAC Education Portal. Participants can submit their Certificate of Attendance to their governing entity to request credits, such as CPE credits. CDIAC’s education programs are accepted by many governing entities as certifiable.
CDIAC is an approved provider of Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit by the California State Bar and has approved the Municipal Debt Issuance Fundamentals, 2-part mini-series, for 3 hours of MCLE credits.