California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

Data Portal, Regulations & Guidance, and Fees

Data Portal

Issuers must use CDIAC’s Data Portal to file debt issuance and related ongoing annual reports online.

data portal button

Lists of Reportable Issues for FY 2023-24

Marks-Roos Authority and Local Obligor Yearly Fiscal Status Report (Due annually on October 30)

Mello-Roos Yearly Fiscal Status Report (Due annually on October 30)

Annual Debt Transparency Report (Due annually on January 31)

Data Portal Online Tutorials

Annual Debt Transparency Report Tutorial

Mello Roos & Marks Roos Yearly Fiscal Status Report Tutorial

Data Portal Tutorials

Data Portal Sign In Guide

User Profile Guide

Navigating the Data Portal Dashboard | PDF Instructions

Filing a Report of Proposed Debt Issuance | PDF Instructions

Filing a Report of Final Sale | PDF Instructions

Filing a Mello-Roos Yearly Fiscal Status Report | PDF Instructions

Filing an Annual Debt Transparency Report | PDF Instructions

Filing a Draw on Reserve/Default or Replenishment for Mello-Roos or Marks-Roos Debt | PDF Instructions

Please send Data Portal questions via email to:

Regulations & Guidance

Reporting Fee Schedule - Effective April 1, 2017

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 4, Division 9.6, Chapter 1, Article 4, Section 6030, the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) adopts the following fee schedule:

Issue Type Fee
All Issues 2.5 basis points, not to exceed $5,000
Fee Exceptions
Issues where the Purchaser or Lender is an agency of the State of California or Federal Government None
Issues with a Short-Term Maturity1 None
Issues by Local Obligors (Marks-Roos)2 None
  1. Short-Term Maturity is defined as an Issue with a Final Maturity date of 18 months or less.
  2. If an Authority, as defined in CCR Title 4, Division 9.6, Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 6000, uses the proceeds of a Debt Issue to purchase a Local Obligation, an Issuance Fee will be charged on the Authority Issue only.