California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission


Fundamentals and Evolving Practices

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Disclosure is key to ensuring transparency in the municipal securities market. Investors must be informed of the risks related to an agency’s revenues and financial condition, but disclosure obligations are expanding to evolving risks related to climate change and cybersecurity. This seminar seeks to assist public agency officials and other market professionals in improving their understanding of the policy and regulatory environment surrounding municipal disclosure and how that environment may change in the future.

Day One of this seminar will focus on the fundamentals of disclosure, covering current rules for primary and continuing disclosure practices by public agencies including reporting requirements to CDIAC. Day Two will focus on evolving disclosure practices for labeled debt, cybersecurity, and climate change.

Seminar Presentation Materials

Printed versions of the session presentations are not provided. PDFs of the combined presentations can be accessed below and printed. Links will be updated as the materials become available.

PDFs for individual sessions are listed below.

Recommended Readings

CDIAC Publications

Additional Resources

Seminar Information