California Pollution Control Financing Authority

2016 Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Meetings are scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m.

Board Meeting Date Initial Resolution/ Application Deadline Final Resolution/Allocation Application Deadline TEFRA Hearing Date
1/19/16 12/18/15 11/20/15 12/10/15
2/16/16 1/15/16 12/18/15 1/14/16
3/15/16 2/12/16 1/15/16 2/11/16
4/19/16 3/18/16 2/19/16 3/10/16
5/17/16 4/15/16 3/18/16 4/14/16
6/21/16 5/20/16 4/22/16 5/12/16
7/19/16 6/17/16 5/20/16 6/16/16
8/16/16 7/15/16 6/17/16 7/14/16
9/20/16 8/19/16 7/22/16 8/11/16
10/18/16 9/16/16 8/19/16 9/15/16
11/15/16 10/14/16 9/16/16 10/13/16
12/13/16 11/10/16 10/14/16 11/10/16