California Tax Credit Allocation Committee

CTCAC Accessible Unit and Accessibility Requirements

CTCAC Regulations require projects with accessible units for occupancy by persons with mobility impairments or hearing, vision, or other sensory impairments to provide a preference for those units to persons with handicaps requiring the features of the accessible units (Regulation Section 10337(b)(2)).

Owners and managers shall adopt suitable means to assure that information regarding the availability of accessible units reaches eligible individuals with handicaps, and shall take reasonable nondiscriminatory steps to maximize the utilization of such units by eligible individuals. Listed below are website link resources to assist with this process.

Other organizations that assist individuals with disabilities may have resources for connecting owners with prospective tenants:

CTCAC Regulation Sections 10325(f)(7)(M) and 10326(g)(6) require projects to adhere to the provisions of California Building Code Chapter 11(B) regarding accessibility to privately owned housing made available for public use. California Building Code Chapter 11(B)