Private Activity Bonds for District Heating & Cooling
Designed to provide long term financing (up to 30 years) through the tax exempt bond market compared to the 10 to 15 year maturities more commonly seen in the taxable market.

Contact Information
For general questions regarding QECBs please visit the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee’s (CDLAC) website or contact CDLAC.
If you have any questions about CAEATFA's Bond Financing programs, please contact CAEATFA at (916) 651-8157.
Quick Links
- Consideration of Staff Recommendation Regarding Financing District Heating and Cooling Projects
- Comments of the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority Regarding the Inclusion of Broader Incentives for Zero-Emission Heating and Cooling Systems
- Sign Up to Receive CAEATFA Information
CAEATFA is the State’s main issuer of private activity bonds that can provide long term financing (up to 30 years) through the tax exempt bond market compared to the 10 to 15 year maturities more commonly seen in the taxable market. Other than the U.S. Treasury bond market, there is no comparable long-term financial market anywhere in the world.
This tax exempt bond financing is also a low cost method of financing a project, with interest costs typically a few percent less than commercial loans. This lower cost financing can encourage rapid deployment and make projects that use near-zero emission heating and/or cooling technologies more financially feasible.