2022 Debt Issuance and Public Investment Webinars, Seminars and Conferences
2022 Fundamentals of Land-Secured Financing Seminar

This seminar will deliver comprehensive education on the land-secured financing process from district pre-formation through project implementation to ongoing administration. Participants will be immersed for a full day in the strategic planning and application mechanics of both Mello-Roos Community Facilities District and Assessment District financing.
2022 Municipal Debt Essentials Seminar

Municipalities have been using debt financing as a tool to build their communities for over a century and throughout this history debt issuance has grown and changed to facilitate the provision of a variety of public benefits. Issuers and investors of municipal debt must consider market conditions, the amount and purpose of the debt, an agency’s credit, as well as many other variables. This variability coupled with so many people involved in the process, creates an environment where members of the issuance team understand their role, but may not understand the process as a whole. Join CDIAC and expert faculty during this three-day seminar on the most essential information needed to understand municipal debt in California.
2022 Bond Buyer Preconference

As we emerge from the global pandemic, the level of uncertainty in the municipal market and the challenges California issuers are facing have never been greater. The Federal Reserve actions to drive down inflation, the prospect of COVID revenues running dry, societal shifts that have fundamentally modified economies, enormous effect on global trade of geopolitical instability, and increasing probability of a recession are testing issuers in similar and distinctive ways. This program will explore how these challenges and others are affecting the planning of issuers in different sectors, how issuers are using debt to manage these challenges, and how their financing approaches are changing to mitigate the risks of the extraordinary economic conditions.
Intermediate and Advanced Public Funds Investing

The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) proudly offers a three-part educational series on the investment of surplus public funds, Public Funds Investment Essentials. January 2022's programs focused on intermediate and advanced topics such as portfolio liquidity, managing risk in public investing, advanced investment analysis such as option adjusted spread, and interpreting economic forecasts as a public investment official.
* The complete program, including replays, transcripts, and slides, is available in the CDIAC Education Portal. Registration required but program is free.